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 3D Printing


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Dr.Yang Yang

Personal Profile

Dr. Yang Yang is an Assistant Professor in the Departemtn of Mechanical at San Diego State University. His research focuses on the machine, materials, and structures development for bioinspired 3D printing. He received his B.S. in Physics from Wuhan University in 2009. He completed the joint Ph.D. at Wuhan University and University of California, Los Angeles in Physics and Bioengineering in 2015. From 2016 to 2019, He worked as a postdoctoral research associate at University of Southern California. He has authored over 36 peer-reviewed publications and he is the reviewer of several journals such as 'Nature Communications', ‘Advanced Materials’, ‘Nano Letters’, 'Nano Energy' etc. 

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Lab Members

PI: Dr. Yang Yang

JDP student: Qingqing He

Graduate Students: Brandon Bethers, Jason Fidler

Undergraduate Students: Brian Tran, Zachary Conte.


02/2022: Dr. Yang receives the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) 2022 Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award. Congratulations!

01/2022: Dr.Yang's work on 3D printing of nacre inspired structures collaborated with Dr. Yong Chen at USC and Dr. Ziyu Wnag at Wuhan University was published on 'Research':

01/2022: New journal article co-authored by SDSU Mechanical Engineering professor Yang Yang and graduate student Brandon Bethers.

Featured in Advanced Science, the article highlights wearable thermoelectric devices to harvest the waste energy from human body for health monitoring. The project is a collaborative work with The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Wuhan University. Congratulations!

09/2021: Dr. Yang's work in collaboration with Dr. Yong Chen on the ultrasonic wireless energy harvesting device was published on 'Advanced Materials', Congratulations!

08/2021: Dr. Yang receives NSF Award in collaboration with Dr. Xiangjia Li at ASU entitled:  Collaborative Research: 3D Printing of Bioinspired Hierarchical Structures with Controllable Roughness for Stable and Long-term Air Retention.

07/2021: Dr. Yang serves as a Guest Editor in the journal 'Materials' for the special Issue: "Design and Manufacturing of Bioinspired Material and Structures",

07/2021: Dr. Yang's collaborative paper with Dr. Kenan Song at ASU entitled '3D Printing‐Enabled Nanoparticle Alignment: A Review of Mechanisms and Applications' was published on 'Small'.

06/2021: Dr. Yang's collaborative paper with Dr. Kenan Song at ASU entitled '3D printing for polymer/particle-based processing: A review' was published on  'Composites Part B: Engineering'.

06/2021: Dr. Yang serves as a Guest Editor in the journal 'Micromachines' for the special Issue: "Advances in Piezoelectric Sensors, Transducers and Harvesters",

05/2021: Dr. Yang's paper entitled 'Recent Advancements in Biomimetic 3D Printing Materials with Enhanced mechanical properties' was published on 'Frontiers in Materials'.

05/2021: Congratulations to Brandon Bethers on the award of 'Master's Research Scholarship'!

05/2021: Brandon Bethers receives NAMRC 49 / MSEC 2021 NSF Student Support Award. Congratulations!

04/2021: Our paper entitled 'Computional Study of Reinforcement Mechanisms of Cuttlefish Bone Inspired Structure for 3d Printing' was accepted in MSEC 2021 Conference.

02/2021: Dr. Yang received UGP Award from SDSU.

02/2021: Dr. Yang's co-authored paper (collaborated with USC) entitled 'Photoacoustic and Piezo-Ultrasound Hybrid-Induced Energy Transfer for 3D Twining Wireless Multifunctional Implants'was published on 'Energy & Environmental Science'.!divAbstract

01/2021 Dr. Yang's co-authored paper (collaborated with ASU and USC) entitled "Limpet Tooth‐Inspired Painless Microneedles Fabricated by Magnetic Field‐Assisted 3D Printing (Adv. Funct. Mater. 5/2021)"was featured as the 'Inside Back Cover' on 'Advanced Functional Materials':

11/2020 Dr. Yang joined the editorial board in the journal 'Micromachines':

10/2020 Dr. Yang was an Invited Speaker for the IEEE UV 2020 Conference:

09/2020: Dr. Yang is an Organizer for the ASME MSEC 2021 Vitural conference:

08/2020 Dr. Yang is the Guest Editor for the special topic in 'Frontiers in Materials' 'New Piezoelectric Materials and Devices: Fabrication, Structures, and Applications' :

05/2020 Dr. Yang received SURP Award from SDSU.

05/2020 Dr. Yang's paper on stretchable thermoelectric device was published on 'Nano Letters':

03/2020 Dr. Yang Received the  GREW from SDSU

02/2020 Dr. Yang's paper was highlighted on Advanced Science News website:

02/2020 Dr. Yang's paper published on 'Advanced Materials Interfaces' and featured as 'Front Cover',

02/2020  Dr. Yang's paper published on 'Nano Energy',

11/2019  Dr. Yang received 'Travel Award' for the NFL Helmet Challenge

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Journal Cover Gallery

Science and Art

3D printing cactus inspired structure

Water Collection: 3D‐Printed Cactus‐Inspired Spine Structures for Highly Efficient Water Collection (Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2/2020)

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cover gallery (continued)

Science and Art

anti-bacterial Sensor

Sensors: Silver‐Nanoparticle‐Modified Polyimide for Multiple Artificial Skin‐Sensing Applications (Adv. Mater. Technol. 10/2019)


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Theodore Roosevelt

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